Clear, Lovely Skin Can Be Yours
- Posted on: Oct 30 2016
At every age, women and men, alike, want clear, young-looking skin. The challenge is how to arrive at that goal. Keep reading to learn a few easy ways to improve the health and appearance of your skin.
Stay Hydrated – Your body needs water to stay healthy – the same goes for your skin. Dehydration can make you look haggard and feel tired. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day for clear, hydrated skin.
Eat The Right Foods – Nutrients are just as important to your skin as they are to the rest of your body. Include the following foods in your diet for better skin:
•Fish and walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids
•Oranges and strawberries for vitamin C
•Eggs and Greek yogurt for protein
•Green tea and yellow peppers for antioxidants
Establish A Good Skin-Care Routine – A regular skin-care routine is key to keeping your skin healthy and clear.
•Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face
•Keep your hair away from your face
•Wash your face every night before going to bed
•Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
•Apply moisturizer after washing your face each morning
•Always wear sunscreen
•Exercise regularly
Take Time To Relax – Stress takes its toll on your body and your skin. Relaxing can help prevent breakouts and wrinkles. Find your own way to de-stress or try one of the following ideas:
•Take a yoga class
•Go outside for a walk
•Listen to your favorite music
•Relax in the tub
Seek Professional Help – Skin care professionals have access to tools and treatments that may drastically improve the appearance of your skin. Dr. Quintana offers chemical peels and injection therapies for many skin conditions. Consulting with Dr. Quintana can help you better understand your skin and keep it looking clear, clean, and young.
Call to schedule a consultation, today: (212) 391-8600.
Posted in: Aesthetic Procedures